Social Politics

Vice President of the Lao National Assembly visits Hoi An ancient town


During the visit and work in Quang Nam province, this afternoon, September 5, Comrade Som-mat Phon-se-na - a Member of the Central Committee of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party, Vice President of the Lao National Assembly, and the delegation visited Hoi An ancient town.


Presiding over the reception ceremony was Vice President of the National Assembly Nguyen Duc Hai; also receiving the delegation were Vice President of the Quang Nam Provincial People's Council Nguyen Cong Thanh, and leaders of departments, branches, and leaders of Hoi An City. The delegation visited the Japanese Cultural Exhibition House.

About 30m from the Japanese Covered Bridge, this area used to be a neighborhood of Japanese merchants (Japanese Dinh) with bustling trading activities in the late 16th and early 17th centuries, which was the beginning of cultural exchange between Hoi An, Vietnam, and the Land of the Rising Sun.

Immediately after that, the delegation visited the Japanese Covered Bridge relic - the symbol of Hoi An ancient town.

Next, the delegation visited the Quan Thang ancient house. This is one of the oldest and most beautiful houses in Hoi An, built by a Chinese merchant named Quan Thang around the end of the 17th century. With its relics, antiques, lifestyles, and traditional ways of life, it has also contributed significantly to demonstrating the prosperity of the ancient trading port of Hoi An in general and the Chinese families in Hoi An in particular.

In the evening of the same day, the Lao National Assembly delegation will watch the Hoi An Memories program.

Before that, Lao National Assembly Vice President Som-mat Phonsena and the delegation offered incense at the Martyrs' Cemetery of Quang Nam province, visited the Lower Laos Resistance Zone (in Phu Ninh district), and worked with the THACO Group.

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Vice President of the Lao National Assembly visits Hoi An ancient town