Social Politics

Telegram of Quang Nam Provincial People's Committee on urgent implementation of response to storm No. 3 in 2024

QTI 09/04/2024 14:16

On September 3, Quang Nam Provincial People's Committee issued Telegram No. 04/CD-UBND to the Provincial Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control and Search and Rescue; Provincial Border Guard Command; Departments, Branches, and Sectors; People's Committees of districts, towns, and cities; Quang Nam Radio and Television Station; Quang Nam Newspaper; Quang Nam Hydrometeorological Station on urgent implementation of response to storm No. 3 in 2024.

Location and direction of storm No. 3 at 7:00 a.m. on September 4, 2024.

At 7:00 a.m. on September 4, the center of the storm was located at about 19.0 degrees North latitude, 117.8 degrees East longitude, in the eastern sea area of ​​the North East Sea, about 770km east of Hainan Island (China). The strongest wind near the storm center is level 11 (103-117km/h), gusting to level 13, moving in the West Northwest direction, about 10km/h.

According to the forecast, this is a very strong storm. To proactively respond to storms and floods caused by the storm, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requests the Heads of Departments, Boards, branches, Chairmen of People's Committees of districts, towns, cities and related agencies and units to implement the following contents:

Closely monitor forecast information, developments of storms, rains, floods, promptly direct and deploy response work according to the "four on-site" motto according to assigned tasks and authorities, not to be passive or surprised to ensure safety of life and minimize property damage for people.

The Provincial Border Guard Command, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, and the People's Committees of districts, towns, and cities shall, based on the actual situation and the potential impact of storms, floods, and heavy rains, proactively and promptly inform, direct, and guide people in responding to storms and floods.

The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development shall closely monitor the situation of storms and floods, proactively and closely coordinate with the Department of Industry and Trade and relevant departments and branches to promptly and effectively implement the work of ensuring the safety of dykes, dams, protecting agricultural production and aquaculture, and exploiting aquatic and marine products, promptly reporting and proposing to the Provincial People's Committee issues beyond its authority.

The Quang Nam Hydrometeorological Station shall closely monitor and strengthen forecasts, warnings, and timely information on the developments of storms, floods, and the risk of flash floods and landslides so that relevant agencies and people know how to proactively implement response measures.

The Provincial Military Command, the Provincial Border Guard Command, and the Provincial Police direct forces stationed in the area to proactively organize and deploy forces and means to be ready to support localities in responding to storms and floods, evacuating people, and conducting rescue operations when requested.

The Department of Information and Communications, Quang Nam Radio and Television Station, Quang Nam Newspaper, and local Radio Stations increase the time and prompt report on developments of storms, floods, and response instructions so that people know and proactively prevent avoid them.

Other departments and branches, according to their assigned functions and tasks, proactively coordinate and support localities in implementing responses and overcoming the consequences of natural disasters according to regulations.

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Telegram of Quang Nam Provincial People's Committee on urgent implementation of response to storm No. 3 in 2024